Telepaxx delivers modern IT technologies such as cloud computing, big data handling and artificial intelligence to healthcare. For 25 years, more than 600 medical institutions such as Asklepios, RhönKlinikum AG and Knappschaftskliniken have entrusted Telepaxx with their currently more than 20 billion health data.
The goal of Telepaxx Medical Data is to provide clinics, physicians and researchers with privacy-compliant, secure and rapidly integrable cloud solutions for medical data.
The Telepaxx Medical Data Cloud - called TMD Cloud - allows medical institutions to store patient data encrypted in the cloud, to share it and to use it for digital tools as well as for research in a data protection-compliant manner.
In doing so, the platform must ensure that data from the various clients is stored strictly separately from one another. Due to the sensitive nature of the information, data protection, governance, security, identity and access management must be ensured. For the exchange and archiving of these very large data volumes (Big Data), high scalability of the platform is a prerequisite.