Training and examination administration

Web application for managing trainees with support for workflows before, during and after the exams

Line of Business


Several medical associations needed a system to manage the data of trainees from the recording of contracts , to the management of examinations, to the printing of certificates and the transmission of data to the State Statistical Office.
The examination results should be able to be recorded and changed by authorised users via the client's web portal. In addition, a complex logic for the calculation of grades and the regulations on repetitions and passing should be implemented to map the examination regulations.
Our solution is a web application for the administration and validation of training data and examinations, which can also be filled with contract information and examination results via interfaces. In addition, the generation of letters, statistics and reports is enabled.
With our solution, the medical associations administer up to 10,000 trainees per year and thus get an overview of all relevant data. The system's mapping of exam regulations makes it easier for schools to manage exams and results in less queries to association staff.

What our Client says

Web application for managing trainees with support for workflows before, during and after the exams

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